“Make ashamed”
This illustration is inspired, and it quotes the awesome book “Come As You Are” by Emily Nagoski @enagoski So many women are ashamed of their genitals. What did our genitals…
Comics and graphics to brake the taboo about sex, feelings and emotions.
This illustration is inspired, and it quotes the awesome book “Come As You Are” by Emily Nagoski @enagoski So many women are ashamed of their genitals. What did our genitals…
This illustration is inspired, and it quotes the awesome book “Come As You Are” by Emily Nagoski @enagoski Media and Porns are keeping on representing a pretty narrow range of…
"As with the clitoris, the cultural view of labia doesn't match the biological reality. Vulvas in soft-core porn are digitally edited to conform to a specific standard of "tucked-in" labia…
"The hymen is a profound example of the way humans metaphorize anatomy. Here is an organ that has no biological function, and yet western culture made up a powerful story…
"[...] let's spend a chapter talking about the biggest of all your sex organs and how it, too, is made of all the same parts as everyone else's but organized…
"Since intercourse is assumed to be the center of the sexual universe, we've metaphorized male hardness and female wetness as the Ultimate Indicator of Arousal."From the awesome book "Come As…