Vulvas variety

This illustration is inspired, and it quotes  the awesome book  “Come As You Are” by Emily Nagoski @enagoski

Media and Porns are keeping on representing a pretty narrow range of vulvas, as they would (or should) look all the same. They don’t!  And guess what: that’s fine. The aspect of your genitals is not related to what, how and how much you enjoy sex and related activities. 

Thanks again to the IG accounts that are working showing vulvas in all their varieties of shapes, textures, dimensions and colors: as drawings @invulviert and, as art pieces @piece_of_vulva , as casted parts @vivalavulvacasting or as a mix of all above

Thanks all for your work in normalizing reality!

“[…] available science suggests that variation in women’s genital shapes, sizes, and colors doesn’t predict anything in particular about her level of sexual interest.”

From the awesome book “Come As You Are” from Emily Nagoski, Ph. D. (2015): pg.16 .

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